I decided to reveal some of my statistics because some of my readers are unfamiliar with me. Taken from my website: http://romyshiller.com/STATS..php
Please see an experimental 15 min. film I am singing in - ’94 http://vimeo.com/16226762
I am compiling my articles into a book. http://rshiller.blogspot.com/
My novel (that I'm currently writing) is set in Montreal in the 1980s. As a pop culture specialist I am uniquely qualified to present the popular lore of the time-period. Having lived in Montreal at the time also helps. The story concerns a love-affair between the 20 something Gala and Vlad - who is otherworldly. This is a very topical and cinematic book - I used to read scripts for a film producer, consequently I know. It is currently being written.http://romyshiller.com/My_1980s!.php
I have a PhD from the University of Toronto. My doctoral thesis was "A Critical Exploration of Cross-Dressing and Drag in Gender Performance and Camp in Contemporary North American Drama and Film." http://romyshiller.com/A_Critical_Exploration_of_Cross-Dressing_and_Drag.php
According to the book ‘Third Wave Feminism and Television: Jane Puts it in a Box’ (I.B.Tauris, 2007) by the head of women's studies at South-Carolina University, I am a third wave feminist. I am quoted extensively for my article on the television show Queer As Folk (Fab Magazine, Number 213, April 23, 2003, 12-17.)
I have three books, ‘You Never Know: A Memohttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifir’ (2008, Trafford), ‘Again’ (2009, Trafford), 'Who Knew?' (2010, Trafford). Reviews are on my website: http://romyshiller.com/
I am included in the Bibliography of Theatre History in Canada.
My article Drag King invasion: taking back the throne (CTR, Volume: 86, Spring 1996, Pages: 24-28.) is in the book: ‘Camp: Queer Aesthetics and the Performing Subject’ (University of Michigan Press, 1999) which as the promotional material states, “addresses the multilayered issue of camp, whose inexhaustible breadth of reference and theoretical relevance to the issues taken up by academic research in recent years...” In a very lucky way my work has been appropriated by the gay community.
I am in an issue (Fall ’08) of U of T Magazine.
My book You Never Know: A Memoir (Trafford, 2008) and story are at CBC News Sunday. http://www.trafford.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?BookId=SKU-000166944
I'm reviewed as the feature artist for the August 2008 issue of Lipstik Indie: http://www.lipstikindie.com/
A pop culture critic, I wrote articles for magazines as diverse as FAB and Canadian Theatre Review.
I am a contributor for Shebytches.com I feel honoured on many levels. It is really important to diminish words that have been used to belittle, denigrate, humiliate etc. The term ‘bitch' has been reappropriated and through this site is full of power and strength. (For example, many in the gay community have owned the word "queer.") View current articles such as: Ogre-Drag, POP goes the TEEN, Double Standard? People seem to abhor ‘difference', Big Bother etc.
I write film reviews for Live for Films. http://www.liveforfilms.com/
I had acted in a television series on YTV called System Crash.
In addition to having a PhD from the University of Toronto, I have an MA from there as well. My BA is from McGill.
One of my articles has been translated into Italian and is used to teach a University course on Communications.
A separate article is taught at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta. It has been chosen to be included in a book.
I have been on the same course syllabus as Simone de Beauvoir.